deadstock copies
18,00 €
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RSR is really proud to present CAPER - a true legend. 4 Tracks of one of the greatest hardcore singers of legendary RIGHTEOUS PIGS. He is one of the very first Death/Thrash/Hardcore singers. He has influenced all in this type of music. A good way to describe the music would be a heavy,hardcore, thrash-style, with hardcore vocals. The world is waiting for an in-your-face, hardcore wild night of intense rock-n-roll. A night that people won't forget. Long Live CAPER...
8,00 €
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RSR 195: Wojczech/Completed Exposition - progress and harmony rewind! 9 fresh tracks of Osakas long running Power Violence unit Completed Exposition. Think Neanderthal meet Spazz the japanese way! Flip the disk and you'll get 5 new bangers from german blast beat fanatics Wojczech including an S.O.B. cover ("Nightmare") for the sake of blast beat its all in there: old school Grind's riffage overdose, frantic thrash and filthy beatdowns. mastered by James Plotkin. Exclusive cover artwork for this release by Shintaro Kago. 300 copies that will go fast!
12,00 €
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11 new trax + 25 live attacks
lim 300
13,00 €
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Leftover copies of this very limited screen printed edition
The Endless Blockade is dead and in their wake Column of Heaven has risen. C.o.H. has Nolan and King from the Blockade lineup continuing on, at this point in their development, in a similar fashion to the later period Blockade material (i.e.Primitive). 6 songs picking up right where Endless Blockade left off, Column of Heaven released the more-than-impressive Ecstatically Embracing All That We Habitually Suppress demo in 2011, and has now returned first time on vinyl While Endless Blockade hinted and flirted with the mix of noise/experimental music with power violence, this 12” sees those ideas taken to their endpoint, fully incorporating noise, dynamic samples, extra instrumentation, and experimental soundscapes into a metal-tinged power violence framework. Blasts of harsh noise and brutal hardcore mix with quieter, creepier atmospherics to make for an engaging and powerful listen from start to finish. This record fits nicely in line with the current crop of bands taking power violence in exciting new directions (Gas Chamber, Iron Lung, Hatred Surge, Suffering Luna, etc). It’s a great time to be into hardcore.
22,00 €
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Australia's foremost power-violence export, EXTORTION, return with 11 tracks. This time a split with the long running and long overlooked COLD WORLD from Austria (not to be confused with the tough guy band). Both bands play full on raging hardcore. The focus on COLD WORLD's side lies on their '80s highspeed hardcore-roots (the 3 members having played in Austria's premier band EXTREM). However the band is proudly still breaking every rule of the punk police, even if this means another 25 years in blastbeat obscurity away from any d-Beat, noise-punk or whatever-hype that just happens to be the retro flavor of the moment. Just fucking fast hardcore!
13,00 €
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22,00 €
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28,00 €
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27,00 €
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28,00 €
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SM 70 LP + 7"
30,00 €
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30,00 €
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spl lp with nuclear cult + st 7"
14,00 €
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new lp,12 violent/pissed off trax, against all and everything,you've been warned !!
comes on random col, vinyl,lim 500 total
13,00 €
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testpress of re-press lim 15
only 1 per order
45,00 €
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testpress of spl lp lim 10
25,00 €
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testpress of lp lim 10
25,00 €
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testpress of spl lp lim 20
one per order
25,00 €
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testpress of lp lim 10
25,00 €
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Finally and long awaited, here's RSR is presenting the split
between CRACK UNDER PRESSURE and NUCLEAR CULT, both Berlin based. Both Thrash vetarans bands, who have been in SM-70, Pink Flamingos, Crude B.E., Cold War, Y, M.V.D. amongst many other bands
before deliver some ferocious highspeed hardcore with a gloomy twist. For fans of Septic Death, Heresy, Outo. An absolute ripper from start to end by this German Fastcore bands. Catchy and tight
as it needs to be. lim 100 col. vinyl
13,00 €
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out on Televised Suicide (Australia) and Regurgitated Semen Records (Germany), the ugliest
split from Australia... Hexx, Perths version of Bolt Thrower, you'll need a handful of nangs and beers to endure this.
Shitgrinder, the filthy duo of two of Brisbanes most lovely people, classic, old-school grind
worship, but enough uniqueness to stand out from all the bullshit. LIM 100 BONE COLOUR VINYL
7,00 €
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Fight it out - Most hated - LP - : Fight It Out, Yokohama’s beatdown style hardcore punk group are back with its third album! The band, known for its strongly NYHC
influenced sound and totally insane live shows. The album called Most Hated originally came as CD on Bowl Head will now released on RSR as vinyl version, finally.
15,00 €
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Formed in 1999 as a 3-piece Grindcore band, GATE unleashed emotionless and relentless blastbeats with cold hateful vomited vocals over razor sharp riffage. Get ready for 21 tracks mind melting Grind.
16,00 €
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lim 60 version incl screenprinted foldout extra cover
silver ink on white cardboard
16,00 €
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Bastard Noise / Bizarre X - split 12 ep.
Back in 2011 Bastard Noise went on Tour in Europe and they played one day together with
Bizarre X and a plan for a split release stated.
So here we are.
Bastard Noise recorded 4 ultra sonic tracks with his unique voice and noise, just pure insect war electronic. recorded by Mr. Rozon
Bizarre X deliver use 11 pure drum and bass songs, recorded at Zk Studio and mastered by Mr. Rozon
The Sound is like: 'I’m RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE BAND PLAYING WITH A DIABOLICAL PA SYSTEM !!! Fuck yes !!!!' (Eric Wood)
This record is pressed on virgin vinyl with pro done jacket and 12" sized inlay.
runs at 45 rpm for the best soundquality.
split release with SCROTUM REC
13,00 €
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9 tracks of extremely negative and violent hardcore from dutch and canada,featuring members of INSULT/SKULLHOG/ CHOKEHOLD/HAYMAKER... that comes down on you like a rain of bricks.!!!
1 per order
16,00 €
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negative hc-violence,9 tracks of pure hate from dutch heavy weights of lifespite and canadian maniacs from hostage,with mebers of chokehold/haymaker... so you know the deal !!
12,00 €
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west coast powerviolence to the max !!
12,00 €
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lim 100 red viny
1 per order
13,00 €
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pre.order of new lp,screenprinted extra cover
1 per order
17 tracks of crushing powerviolence from california
16,00 €
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lim.80 screenprinted b-side version
15,00 €
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HAP 011: Powerage - 1sided demo Lp -: There was a time I didn’t understand how bands could be labeled as “Metal Punk”, however this is exactly how I would call POWERAGE. Powerful and heavy metallic riffs with a (hardcore) punk sound and approach, making me think of bands like CHAOS CROSS from Boston. POWERAGE is a new young band from Düsseldorf, Germany and they are not stingy because they give us 8 tracks on that killer demo. Leather gloves and combat boots. Members of RATLORD, NIHILÄTÖR und VASQUEZ...for fans of THE RIVAL MOB, THE FLEX, ANTI CIMEX!
LIM. 300
11,00 €
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RSR 176: Burn the Hostages - LP - : Burn the Hostages are a band based around a single core principle that is deeply rooted in their collective psyche - utter laziness. Three people with nothing better to do really, somehow managed to find the time in relatively normal lives to record songs that take influence from bands far busier than them. If the idea of Eyehategod listening to Grief in a dank shed, with Buzzoven bringing them warm beers in 2018, is up your alley, then this is for you. Turn it up loud, pretend you don’t have better things to do for 15 minutes and waste away - grubby sludge from the underside of the world, Burn the Hostages.FEATURING ROHAN/EXTORTION 1 sided lp lim 300
16,00 €
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RSR 176: Burn the Hostages - LP - : Burn the Hostages are a band based around a single core principle that is deeply rooted in their collective psyche - utter laziness. Three people with nothing better to do really, somehow managed to find the time in relatively normal lives to record songs that take influence from bands far busier than them. If the idea of Eyehategod listening to Grief in a dank shed, with Buzzoven bringing them warm beers in 2018, is up your alley, then this is for you. Turn it up loud, pretend you don’t have better things to do for 15 minutes and waste away - grubby sludge from the underside of the world, Burn the Hostages.FEATURING ROHAN/EXTORTION 1 sided lp lim 300
11,00 €
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lim 60,screenprinted cut out extra cover
1 per person
16,00 €
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perth hardcore/powerviolence powerhouse,not unlike left for dead !!
lim 100 purple vinyl
6,00 €
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RSR 180: Self deconstruction/Speed!! Noise!! Hell!! - split - LP - : SELF DECONSTRUCTION present 15 tracks (incl Capitalist Casualties cover) of free-style grind-violence band from Tokyo, Japan, since 2010. Featuring Kubine on female vocals and Kuzuha (ex-Sete Star Sept) on guitars vs SPEED !!! NOISE !!! HELL!!! from Kochi (ex - Conga Fury ) so you know the deal, 9x fast jap HC-thrash violence!! This will be a delicacy for all the japanese Grindcore/Powerviolence fans!!!
12,00 €
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RSR 190: Su19b – Neutralize – Lp: Second LP by enigmatic power violence masters Su19b, dropping in time for their west coast USA tour this summer. Su19b plays power violence band ever was playing 'fast/slow/fast', Su19b was playing 'slow/fast/slow'. They made a style of hardcore that felt categorically different than their peers, accentuating different parts of the power violence style that other bands weren't touching on. And over the last 21 years, across an assortment of splits and their amazing first LP from 2015, they have continued to evolve and refine their style into something wholly unique and original. While still playing "power violence", they now sound much more akin to a Corrupted sense of sludge/doom metal, but with brief moments of bombastic blastbeats and raging thrash that act as explosive... more.
only 1 per person
16,00 €
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RSR 190: Su19b – Neutralize – Lp: Second LP by enigmatic power violence masters Su19b, dropping in time for their west coast USA tour this summer. Su19b plays power violence band ever was playing 'fast/slow/fast', Su19b was playing 'slow/fast/slow'. They made a style of hardcore that felt categorically different than their peers, accentuating different parts of the power violence style that other bands weren't touching on. And over the last 21 years, across an assortment of splits and their amazing first LP from 2015, they have continued to evolve and refine their style into something wholly unique and original. While still playing "power violence", they now sound much more akin to a Corrupted sense of sludge/doom metal, but with brief moments of bombastic blastbeats and raging thrash that act as explosive... more.
13,00 €
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RSR 121: Realize – Demo – LP - : Kyle from Sex Prisoner's industrial metal project. 7 tracks full on GODFLESH worship. 500 limited only, split release with TLAL Records.
LIM 100 VERSION only 1 per person
14,00 €
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RSR 121: Realize – Demo – LP - : Kyle from Sex Prisoner's industrial metal project. 7 tracks full on GODFLESH worship. 500 limited only, split release with TLAL Records.
12,00 €
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RSR 175: Headless Death - A Hideous Warning -LP - : A torrent of sour mockery and high-octane self-loathing soaks through 20 songs of ferocious grindcore on 'A Hideous Warning', the debut album from Australia's Headless Death. Following a string of deservedly ignored demos, split contributions, and an "incredibly ugly" EP, these misanthropic clowns finally pulled their fingers out of their asses and birthed a true monster of tweaked out old school grind. Swarming riffs and bone-shattering blasts are capped off with an outrageously hostile vocal assault, producing an instant tension headache that only frontal lobotomy will cure. With members of Internal Rot, Rort, Contaminated, Pathetic Human and Roskopp, it comes off more like Plutocracy covering Repulsion in a speed battle with Noisear. Hypermanic to the point of self-combustion, this thing rockets along like a bullet train trying to drive off-road in a storm of unpredictable structure and demented force. Humiliation awaits.
shipping end of june/early july
17,00 €
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2nd press, lim 100 clear vinyl
14,00 €
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RSR 183: Haggus - Gore Gore...and more Gore - LP - : Unbelievably and amazing mincegore band Haggus, from Oakland CA. Although only around for barely four years, Haggus have already recorded dozens of songs and released numerous cassette splits and EP's. This is first Longplayer strived to play, 15 minutes pure repulsive Mince/Gore, like mix LDOH / AGATHOCLES, while still keeping the foundation based around the traditional punk sound incl. DOOM cover version. lim 100 screenprinted b-side
15,00 €
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RSR 183: Haggus - Gore Gore...and more Gore - LP - : Unbelievably and amazing mincegore band Haggus, from Oakland CA. Although only around for barely four years, Haggus have already recorded dozens of songs and released numerous cassette splits and EP's. This is first Longplayer strived to play, 15 minutes pure repulsive Mince/Gore, like mix LDOH / AGATHOCLES, while still keeping the foundation based around the traditional punk sound incl. DOOM cover version
10,00 €
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lim 100 version with screenprinted b-side
PRE-ORDER will be out end of november/early december
15,00 €
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total noise mayhem from both cult bands ,lim 50 incl OBI
6,00 €
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drum/bass powerviolence from san francisco vs grindcore attack like i.warfare/death toll 80k from san jose,SLAG member. lim 50 incl OBI
6,00 €
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C.B.F. (Controlled By Fear - (pre-RUPTURE) formed in late 1988, with Andrew (Gus Chamber) on vocals, Matt (Stumblefuck) on guitar, Neal on bass, and Matt on drums. The band lasted barely more than a year but played many gigs in Perth, Western Australia, and were headlining shows towards the end of their short-lived career. Talentless amateur young punk musicians, ages from 16 to 20, influenced by all sorts of bands from Doom to G-Anx to Conflict to Fear Of God (whose song they stole their band name from), their musicianship improved over the months and they began to veer off in their own musical directions. Neal went on to play in Cuchulainn Powerhead, Matt went on to drum in Fat Lip & Nailed Down, and Gus & Stumblefuck went on to form Rupture at the very end of 1989. But C.B.F. was where it all started, 25 years ago, at a time when grindy/crusty hardcore was just emerging in Perth. Pestilence (with Kim on guitar, later to form Nailed Down) was perhaps the first band that brought that style of punk to Perth. But Perth has a long legacy of punk, right back to '76/'77 with the excellent Geeks and Cheap Nasties. Where Controlled By Fear fits in to this vibrant colourful lineage, who knows, but they were certainly a hard-working (albeit drunk & stoned) underground band in Perth in '88/'89. Fond but blurry memories for the surviving band members. R.I.P. Andrew/Gus. On a sidenote, on the day this was recorded, an actual professional studio had been booked, but that morning the engineer called up and said some renovations were still going on & he had to cancel. So the band booked a rehearsal room, hired a 4-track, bought a load of beers & pot & recorded themselves (with the help of a friend). This LP contains this entire unreleased demo recording (remastered decades later at Stumblefuck's "Hundskit Studio"), plus 2 live songs that for some reason were mangled on the demo. So in that respect it is completist C.B.F. The only songs missing are 3 covers, "Multinationals" by Doom, "Cold War" by Siege, & "Lowlife" by Cryptic Slaughter, all of which were always performed unhindered by any talent whatsoever. Also 2 songs that were performed live but never captured in any recording - "Woodrow's Dead & I'm So Fucking Sad" (about Simon Townsend's dog who jumped out of a helicopter & died), and "I Wanna Be A Thrombus Groupie" (sung to the tune of "Anarchy In The UK", and dedicated to fellow Perth punk band Thrombus).”
16,00 €
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RSR 172: Negativ Null - Kategorisch aggressiv - LP -: long`s the new Negativ Null full throttle assault to your ears and eyes!!! Comin in form of a one-sided 12“ (including screenprinted b-side, limited to 100 version), packed in an inside-out sleeve, this record is the band`s next step since their 7“ on Affront Vinyl and their contribution to the „Germany will be worse“ compilation on Flowerviolence Recs this year. You can tell NN definetly stepped up their game when it comes to harshness, brutality and SOUND! That being said, this record sounds perfeclty sharp and well produced while also beeing noisy and loud with a lot of feedback! Matching the title „Kategorisch aggressiv“ , the 12“ features 24 short stop-and-go rippers in the vein of all that is fast and furious. With a duration of a bit more than 11 minutes, you can also tell this slasher is not meant for sludge and doom lovers. Get your head into it. The cover art was once again nicly executed by Rob „The Bastard“ Nabbe (Lifespite/Blind To Faith). His cruel cartoonistic visions of filth and fury perfectly match Negativ Nulls musical outrage and lyrical content.
12,00 €
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Brandnew LP of those hyperfast coast Grind - Punishing blastbeats, hard hitting guitars, exploding bass and bonerattling vocals. For Grindcore fans who are into old school Grindcore as Repulsion. Animalgrind is the present and the future!
15,00 €
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Originally released in 2016 as CD only only by Killed By Fast Records Tokyos Power Violence Fast Hardcore Trio return with 16 new powerful tracks incl. a cover by Swankys ("Open The Window To Pleasure"). Fuck on the Beach encases all that is powerviolence (or "thrashcore") on this release, fast and heavy on all fronts, from the short bursts of energy that make up all of the tracks. This is true punk to the bone represented by three Japanese dudes who understand what it takes to embody the spirit.
13,00 €
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Its a limited pre-order and will be out in mid of April!
1x per order/customer only!
RSR 170: Fuck on the Beach - Today is the start - Lp - : Originally released in 2016 as CD only only by Killed By Fast Records Tokyos Power Violence Fast Hardcore Trio return with 16 new powerful tracks incl. a cover by Swankys ("Open The Window To Pleasure"). Fuck on the Beach encases all that is powerviolence (or "thrashcore") on this release, fast and heavy on all fronts, from the short bursts of energy that make up all of the tracks. This is true punk to the bone represented by three Japanese dudes who understand what it takes to embody the spirit.
16,00 €
including tax
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European press in silver/black jacket - different to US press!
Release date: 30.09.2016
The power violence revival continues. Sex Prisoner Tucson, Arizona - Powerviolence/Hardcore unit, sound a lot like Crossed Out mixed with some Infest. The sound is heavy, abrasive, and definitely rife with anger. They rarely venture into full-on thrash, which is a plus and offering sixteen furious bursts of burly powerviolence/hardcore. Corelease with Deep Six Records.
14,00 €
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This is the first 7” after the great demotape from this hyper fast Hardcore band from Berlin, Germany. Ex-members of STALKER, Y, PINK FLAMINGOS and more, these dudes have been at it for years and their experience totally shows. For all speed freaks and hardcore maniacs a like! Their high bpm-Powerviolence-carnage garnished with vile slow riffs will kick your teeth in!
5,00 €
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CONCUSIVE is extremely impressive new powerviolence band from Martinez/Pittsburg area of East Bay. Classic West Coast powerviolence sound that can contend with the very best bands you can name or think, most of their songs under 30 seconds, and that's the way it should be. Scum Human is a new one from Vancouver/Can! Powerviolence at it's best like Crossed Out !!! Members of Obacha and Six Brew Bantha. This 7” totally shreds! This split 7" features both Bands Demos !!!
5,00 €
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CONCUSIVE is extremely impressive new powerviolence band from Martinez/Pittsburg area of East Bay. Classic West Coast powerviolence sound that can contend with the very best bands you can name or think, most of their songs under 30 seconds, and that's the way it should be. Scum Human is a new one from Vancouver/Can! Powerviolence at it's best like Crossed Out !!! Members of Obacha and Six Brew Bantha. This 7” totally shreds! This split 7" features both Bands Demos !!!
limited edition to 100
6,00 €
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This is the first 7” after the great demotape from this hyper fast Hardcore band from Berlin, Germany. Ex-members of STALKER, Y, PINK FLAMINGOS and more, these dudes have been at it for years and their experience totally shows. For all speed freaks and hardcore maniacs a like! Their high bpm-Powerviolence-carnage garnished with vile slow riffs will kick your teeth in!
limited edition to 100
6,00 €
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GOD'S AMERICA from Las Vegas, NV bursts out brutal power-violence/grindcore mix with slow parts. they have obviously been influenced by the best bands of the genre Crossed Out, Infest, and Spazz. This is the first full length as follow up on the raging 10 song 7" on Baltimore’s awesome A389 Records and split 7" with SETE STAR SEPT on SPHC. US version on Deep Six Records.
13,00 €
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TRIBUTE TO STINKWEED Last recordings from the mighty Powerviolence/Sludge/Doom Metal pioneers AGENTS of SATAN together with PARANOID FREAKOUT from Oakland, California. Bad Acid Trip, Lack of Interest,Benumb members) AGENTS of SATAN are a whacked out, gory, obscene grind/pv outfit who seemed to be most active in the late 90s. Crazy, high pitched shrieks meet deep, guttural vocals while the instruments lay down some groovy, grind riffs. Kindred (Stinkweed - R.I.P.) did vocals in both bands. PARANOID FREAKOUT burst out 5 tracks of fast as fuck Powerviolence/Grind mix. Pete from BENUMB on vocals. Essential record for every WEST BAY COALITION fan!
limited edition to 100
6,00 €
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Succumb, from Massachusetts, USA. They play fast grindcore, similar to Assuck. Some of them have been in other bands you may have heard of (Orchid, Vaccine, Bucket Full of Teeth, Ampere, Death Evocation, The Cancer Kids, No Faith, etc. etc.). 1 sided 7” with 4 tracks. Killer!
limited edition to 100
6,00 €
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Blackend Powerviolence from Tokyo, JAPAN. 10 Brand new Studio Trax Recorded & Mixed Between 2013~2015. These Japanese masterminds play a revolutionary combination of devastating drone/funeral doom in the vein of Ahab or Corrupted interspersed with short, rapid outbursts of Powerviolence/japanese Hardcore fury akin to early Crossed Out. Total 30 mins of blasting Sludge Violence Smash Your Ears!
Gatefold cover version, which is strictly limited will be available later on.
11,00 €
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screenprinted version, limited to 100
Resurrected from the ashes of HATRED SURGE. HOLY MONEY deliver two doom sludge tracks in the vein of older Noothgrush, Dystopia and Burning witch....they call it "Egodeathsludge". These guys are something of a Houston supergroup: bassist/ runner-up of the all-Texas Ian Mackaye Lookalike Challenge, Michael Tehrani and drummer/ hardcore auteur Alex Hughes formerly played together in the legendary TXHC band Machine Gun Romantics and its crucial powerviolence spinoff Knuckle Scraper while Tehrani and guitarist Kevin Hirth both played guitar in the headsplittingly fun and 100% unGoogleable punk band Gay Marriage. HOLY MONEY is named after a Swans record, and it shows in their doomy, sludgy, awesome music, which you can hear here.
7,00 €
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Resurrected from the ashes of HATRED SURGE. HOLY MONEY deliver two doom sludge tracks in the vein of older Noothgrush, Dystopia and Burning witch....they call it "Egodeathsludge". These guys are something of a Houston supergroup: bassist/ runner-up of the all-Texas Ian Mackaye Lookalike Challenge, Michael Tehrani and drummer/ hardcore auteur Alex Hughes formerly played together in the legendary TXHC band Machine Gun Romantics and its crucial powerviolence spinoff Knuckle Scraper while Tehrani and guitarist Kevin Hirth both played guitar in the headsplittingly fun and 100% unGoogleable punk band Gay Marriage. HOLY MONEY is named after a Swans record, and it shows in their doomy, sludgy, awesome music, which you can hear here.
6,00 €
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One sided 7" released by Phobia that was only available at shows selfreleased by Bezerkerwear in 2004. Phobia have been a consistently solid band, putting out "punk as fuck" grindcore albums and numerous splits since the 90's. Here the Orange County grinders Phobia present three classic hardcore covers from Youth Of Today (Youth Of Today) United Blood (Agnostic Front) and Guilty Of Being White by Minor Threat). Grindcore is showing its love for hardcore! Recommended!
limited edition with silkcreened B-side, one per order only!
8,00 €
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GRINDCORE. Sweden's reigning kings REGURGITATE spew forth 3 blasts of infected and gore soaked splatter. Classic grind anthems of destruction that bring back the old-school spirit. The south of Holland brings you SKULLHOG. Spawned from a pig's womb, this Neanderthal threesome clobbers it's way through 3 savage tunes combining elements of grind, sludge and primitive death-metal. This is a rabid split 7" of unmatched brutality.
Limited to 100 copies version! comes with additional numbered cover.
10,00 €
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red/pink cover version, 200 made
bronze cover version, 200 made
choose under options!
RSR 137: Massgrav - Kill your Darlings - 7”: Hailed as the most good looking and pissed off band to ever walk the earth, Massgrav now pays tribute to some of the bands that have inspired them throughout the years. From thrash metal to hip hop, Swedish punk classics of the 80s and 90s and even a Motörhead track - they all get the special Massgrav treatment that transform each and every one of them into an intense punch to the throat and a kick in the nuts.
5,50 €
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Shift yo ass Agathocles, your space in my playlist and record shelves is detracting me from the one true mince god: Archagathus.
Here is the long overdue full length; Dehumanizer, contained in this bloated grotesquery of punk is 21 minutes of the meanest mince slop, gutter riffs and choleric vocals; this sewer of music
overpopulated by perversion, sonic torture and other horrors. Pathologically speaking Dehumanizer is the apex of the current mince-gore progression/regression/corruption Archagathus have been
undergoing lately and as such Dehumanizer and the last half a dozen splits or so all bring strong parallels to kinsmen and split partners Grotesque Organ Defilement and Hypermesis, but most
importantly the band have still ultimately kept their classic archagathus sense of identity/idiocy.
13,00 €
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NOISEM exploded onto the metal world last year with their incredible 'Agony Defined' LP loaded with nine tracks of legit death/thrash crossover with 0% pretense. Followed up with a year of solid
touring (alongside Carcass, The Black Dahlia Murder and Ringworm to name a few) the band found some time to record a few singles to hold things over until their new LP drops in 2015.
This 7" features a brand new song 'Consuming' on Side A with special surprises on the flipside!
Pressed in three versions limited to 500 copies each, all three versions feature different extra songs and colored vinyl.
A389/North America: Red Vinyl
RSR/Europe: Gold Vinyl
Amputated Vein/Japan: Blue Vinyl w/Obi Strip
FFO: Slayer / Pestilence / Terrorizer
6,00 €
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Both bands from Chicago and Rostock presenting a live set from Fluff Fest as a support for their upcoming Tour 2014. The sound is really good and deliver the intense they built up over the years, Powerviolence vs. Grindcore! A perfect meal.
Weekend Nachos Tracks:
Wojczech Tracks:
67°48"0'N 12°50"0'O
released 13 June 2014
Shipment not before End of August. Please don't ask before such questions: Where is package, did you sent it...?
8,00 €
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War Master taking their name from a Bolt Thrower song, the band might be expected to sound like that but the truth is more nuanced. These 2 new tracks of War Master drop back from their smoothly integrated style for a rougher, catchier and more swedish death metal version of their sound. War Master also rely heavily on the bounding riffs of the first couple Entombed and Grave releases, producing an urgent and jubilantly violent sound. On the flipside japanese Unholy Grave who ever true to form blurt out their logic defying twirls of old-school Grindcore entertainment in complete excess: their standard madman howls, riveting angular riffs and tremoring blasts, all lifted straight from a rehearsal recording giving in that coarse edge the band.
black vinyl edition
13,00 €
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Gulf Coast Grindcore veterans PLF unleash their fourth full-length album of thrash metal-tinged old school grindcore. This time they offer 15 new tracks of pummeling grindcore insanity, witha heavy guitar sound, fast and solid blast beats courtesy of their drummer Bryan Fajardo (Phobia, Noisear, Kill the Client, Gridlink, etc) and plenty of mid-paced thrash parts throughout, not to mention a cover by the mighty Assuck. "Ultimate Whirlwind of Incineration" is the second LP to feature Fajardo as PLF's drummer, and listeners should expect no less of a full-scale onslaught than with 2013's "Devious Persecution and Wholesale Slaughter". Since forming in Houston, Texas in the late '90's, PLF have consistently delivered a wealth of old-school grind , releasing several split 7"s, split LPS, and three previous LP's. The release of "Ultimate Whirlwind of Incineration" intersects with their fourth tour of Europe, this time with Danish grinders Dead Instrument.
Be aware: The LPs will be shipped not before start June, so don't ask before where is my record etc.!
13,00 €
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Rort have been mixing Hardcore, Death Metal and Grind since 2008.After the awesome 7" some years ago,they finally put out this 14 tracks debut LP unleash their hatred for anything that isn’t fast in the vein of Bolt thrower/Infest. Crushing guitars, neck-breaking blast beats, menacing vocals and unrelenting hardcore violence. Get ready to be punished by the Melbourne bulldozing onslaught that is Rort. The CD includes as bonus “live at black goat” tape!
CD version will be released later this year.
to calculate the shipping cost. just add the items to the shopping cart, click cart then select your country. it will automaticly combine/ship and show how much before paying.
12,00 €
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Slag are based in San Jose, and they play some fucked up grind tight and create a surely-blissful killer of blasting chaos. Girthy vocals of howling growls and gut-wrenching shrieks are coated over a non-stop orchestra of fuzzed out bass, crunchy riffs and endless amounts of blastbeats...for fans of IN DISGUST! Mastered by Jay Randall. Grab it!
limited edition, #100 made
6,00 €
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Finally out after 6 years of waiting. Negative FX was a hardcore straight edge band from Boston formed in 1981 with Choke which went on to later form the band Last Rights, then Slapshot. The coverversions are done by Extortion, 86 Mentality, Terminal state, Vorheees, Nailed Down, Voetsek, Reproach, Ruination and a couple of more great Hardcore bands. Amazing cover artwork by Bill Hauser. 500 made only!
10,00 €
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440, these guys particially active in bands like MEHKAGO N.T. follow in Florida’s grand tradition of heavy music and make raw, primal grindcore that takes simplistic riffs and batters them totally senseless within a minute or so. It may not sound like much, but it works so well because the riffs are catchy and lend themselves to maximum brutality. First 7” on RSR out now. Comparable with the mighty Fear of God! 500 copies made.
6,00 €
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7 new Tracks from the Canadian Powerhouse + 3 killer Tracks from the mighty Wadge. ENDLESS BLOCKADE team up for this split 7” with Paul Pfeiffers WADGE brutal drum maschine hawaiian exotica grind violence long time in making but finally see the light of the day on RSR. This is for fans of grindcore, Powerviolence and all crazy fucking music!
6,00 €
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Insane fast material from the states and germany, 6 tracks by Phobia and 8 tracks by $krupel on this unrelenting 7" represent intense, honest and compelling platter of crusty grind/hardcore that will leave its listeners as devastated as the band's bleak political vision. So the fastcore gears be prepared to this.
6,00 €
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Limited to 75 screeprinted version
1 per order only!
Brandnew LP of those hyperfast coast Grind - Punishing blastbeats, hard hitting guitars, exploding bass and bonerattling vocals. For Grindcore fans who are into old school Grindcore as Repulsion. Animalgrind is the present and the future!
16,00 €
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Lotus Fucker is a four piece band from Washington DC/Baltimore Maryland who formed in 2010. Lotus Fucker play a raw, ugly, and visceral style of noise damaged hardcore/punk influenced by bands such as Gauze, Terveet Kadet, Wretched, LipCream, and Confuse. Forever My Fighting Spirit is the band's debut LP which was released via Katorga Works, SPHC, and RSR records on December 3rd 2012. Overall, these ten songs are ugly, abrasive, and brutal as fuck. Overall, Lotus Fucker is a must listen for fans of Hoax, Aerosols, Pollution, and Grids. Another killer release by Katorga Works / RSR / SPHC, heavy cardboard cover incl OBI.
12,00 €
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After first release, the split 7" with CONCUSSIVE - RSR presents their new self titled 7" of Canadian powerviolence. I’m not sure if it is appropriate to use the term “classic”, when it comes to a simple and reduced music style such as powerviolence. But SCUM HUMAN sound like a modern version of CROSSED OUT and NO COMMENT in my mind. Definitely for PxV fans!
for check:
limited edition to 100 with Obi strip
6,00 €
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This is high energy fast punk/hardcore going at a steadily fast and grinding speeds, serving up either blasts or at the very least cool d-beats, MASSGRAV with 2 blistering covers from NAPALM
DEATH (Fascistcontroll) and
MOB 47 (Mob rules) + funny radio bootleg. Riffing is super tight and crazy fast with a lot of punkish rawness, everything meshes together well... OVERVIOLENCE those 3piece grinders from Southern
Sweden present 5 fast songs incl. a LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY cover. Thats the real Scandinavian D-beat, rapid-fire hardcore fury, Get it!
limited edition to 100 with Obi strip
6,00 €
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limited to 400 edition with the 7" in black vinyl
Long time awaited discography on Vinyl (LP+ Bonus 7") of this german Punk/Hardcore/Fastcore Pioneers from Berlin (formed later the well know Pink Flamingos), named after an GDR Spring-gun system. As one of Germany's precursors to grindcore and powerviolence SM-70 toured with Satanic Malfunctions and released a few 7"es and a self made do CD. The tracks incl. 2 unreleased live versions on the LP+7" were completely remastered and the Artwork is including pictures and stuff you have never seen before. Fast. Faster. SM-70. Nothing more to say. Limited press of 500.
16,00 €
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limited to 100 edition with the 7" in red vinyl
Long time awaited discography on Vinyl (LP+ Bonus 7") of this german Punk/Hardcore/Fastcore Pioneers from Berlin (formed later the well know Pink Flamingos), named after an GDR Spring-gun system. As one of Germany's precursors to grindcore and powerviolence SM-70 toured with Satanic Malfunctions and released a few 7"es and a self made do CD. The tracks incl. 2 unreleased live versions on the LP+7" were completely remastered and the Artwork is including pictures and stuff you have never seen before. Fast. Faster. SM-70. Nothing more to say. Limited press of 500.
17,00 €
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C.B.F. (Controlled By Fear - (pre-RUPTURE) formed in late 1988, with Andrew (Gus Chamber) on vocals, Matt (Stumblefuck) on guitar, Neal on bass, and Matt on drums. The band lasted barely more
than a year but played many gigs in Perth, Western Australia, and were headlining shows towards the end of their short-lived career. Talentless amateur young punk musicians, ages from 16 to 20,
influenced by all sorts of bands from Doom to G-Anx to Conflict to Fear Of God (whose song they stole their band name from), their musicianship improved over the months and they began to veer off
in their own musical directions. Neal went on to play in Cuchulainn Powerhead, Matt went on to drum in Fat Lip & Nailed Down, and Gus & Stumblefuck went on to form Rupture at the very end
of 1989. But C.B.F. was where it all started, 25 years ago, at a time when grindy/crusty hardcore was just emerging in Perth. Pestilence (with Kim on guitar, later to form Nailed Down) was
perhaps the first band that brought that style of punk to Perth. But Perth has a long legacy of punk, right back to '76/'77 with the excellent Geeks and Cheap Nasties. Where Controlled By Fear
fits in to this vibrant colourful lineage, who knows, but they were certainly a hard-working (albeit drunk & stoned) underground band in Perth in '88/'89. Fond but blurry memories for the
surviving band members. R.I.P. Andrew/Gus.
On a sidenote, on the day this was recorded, an actual professional studio had been booked, but that morning the engineer called up and said some renovations were still going on & he had to
cancel. So the band booked a rehearsal room, hired a 4-track, bought a load of beers & pot & recorded themselves (with the help of a friend). This LP contains this entire unreleased demo
recording (remastered decades later at Stumblefuck's "Hundskit Studio"), plus 2 live songs that for some reason were mangled on the demo. So in that respect it is completist C.B.F. The only songs
missing are 3 covers, "Multinationals" by Doom, "Cold War" by Siege, & "Lowlife" by Cryptic Slaughter, all of which were always performed unhindered by any talent whatsoever. Also 2 songs
that were performed live but never captured in any recording - "Woodrow's Dead & I'm So Fucking Sad" (about Simon Townsend's dog who jumped out of a helicopter & died), and "I Wanna Be A
Thrombus Groupie" (sung to the tune of "Anarchy In The UK", and dedicated to fellow Perth punk band Thrombus).”
regular edition in black vinyl
11,00 €
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Here is the newest HATE APE PRODUCTIONS release, RUPTURE live (last gig) meets OPPOSITION PARTY, snotty Hardcore punk from Perth, Australia and old style Punk from Singapore. Although from decade ago so far, this one just suits me perfectly, so here you go, getting the same vibe hopefully. Surf with me, Baby. Play, hate, destroy. Whatever.
Limited to 100 copies version!
6,00 €
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